Active August
Its time to get ACTIVE!
Active August is here in our local community, and we couldn't be more excited to be raising awareness and activity levels with our Central Queensland peeps. As many of you know each month we have a bit of theme in the practice, and this month it is all about getting Active. Obviously, we understand that in 2020 there has been a lot more time for sedentary behaviours... hello Covid Coat... but as the best weather of the year is now upon us (in my humble opinion), beautiful days and slightly crisp mornings, there is nothing better than getting outside and getting moving.

Losing those few kg's is not a bad thing to do, but its more than that. We know that regular movement helps our brain to function different and better. We know that movement in spinal joints that is full in its range, and unimpeded (in other words there are no parts of your spine blocking that movement), actually act like a recharge system for your brain, kinda like a car getting recharged. It also allows your body to better perceive yourself in space. You may have also noticed when you start moving more that there is a tendency to make better food choices, and to even drink more water 🤪 How can this be bad??? So we are having movement Fridays, where we would love to have you come and join us for some community based movements. Each of these things will have covid safe factors thought through, and will also be heaps of fun! Friday 21st August - Fitness Trail @ 9am - we know its many peoples nemesis in town, but we can't wait to cut some laps with you! Friday 28th August - Yoga in the Park @ 9am - Spinnaker Park in section D facing the marina with Courtney from dear self I can't wait to move with you. Absolutely bring your kids, we would just love to see you out there getting active!