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Febfast at 11 days... connection to self (the reality)!
So just a quick note.... I've been pretty busy mothering, getting the year started and you know, cooking the food, running a business ......

Back To School - the Low Down on the Highs and Lows
I don't know about you, but its been a pretty hectic week of back to school emotions in our world. We've had a school change and our...

Back To School - the Low Down on the Highs and Lows
I don't know about you, but its been a pretty hectic week of back to school emotions in our world. We've had a school change and our...

Motherhood Burnout ... the cycle of 10.
This is adapted from an article by one of my mentors Brandi MacDonald. I love this concept of the 10 things cycle around health parameters.

Posture and Technology - the good, the bad, the ugly!
Children’s week provides an amazing time to think about the health of our children. In this day and age we have increasing concerns with...

Gratitude - It's our Month of Thanks!
Gratitude and self love, they go hand in hand. It's really amazing if we can learn to love ourselves and be grateful for what we have and...
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